Jen's one-to-one

Jen and I finished One-to-One today.  One-to-One is a personal discipleship where you discuss spiritual foundation: Salvation, Lordship, Repentance, Baptism, The Bible & Prayer and The Church.

I share my story.
Jen shares hers.
Then we mix our stories with God's story. :)

Both Jen and I are mighty excited with God's activities in our lives and the lives of our family.

Thank you, Lord!!!

Rainy saturday morning at my (not so) secret me-time spot

am on fire this morning...nothing beats talking about God with your family

perfect combination

hearty breakfast

"heartier" conversation

excited about her walk with Christ..

Sweetie, you can't be more excited than God
who's been waiting for you all your life :)

happiest girl

1 comment:

Ica said...

This entry warms my heart. It's always a joy to see God moving through His children, and seeing sister's in Christ build each other up in love, encouragement, and in scripture. Keep doing what you're doing and thanks for being a blessing through your life :)

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