Jen's birthday and water baptism

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free INDEED."
John 8:36

happy birthday!

the rest of my catholic family joined and showed their support
...perhaps placing their trust in Christ alone even if they don't
understand some things.

Jen's victory weekend. Ministry Time

...because really, discipleship is relationship.

can't contain the joy

with our dear Pastor D


capped it off at North Park with family

Jen's friends' wishes and bday greetings

Papa's love note

oh so true... in Christ alone!

little surprises

i ironed my hair! she knows it! and i love this pesky sister of mine! :)

now jen know what baptism represents and does not represent

Thank You, Lord!!!


Ica said...

PTL {praise the Lord} I'm sure this was such an exciting day for you girls!

* said...

thank you ica! exciting indeed! we have an awesome God engrossed in transforming lives.. :)

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