Favorite conversation, Favorite place..

I can't imagine what it's like to have the CEO of JP Morgan listen to me talk about my fears, dreams. Or listen to me make sumbong of the "hurts" of the day, etc. 

It's intimidating. Unthinkable. 

But I'm blown away with the truth that the God of the universe, in all His majesty, is listening to me talk about my fears, dreams. Or listen to me make sumbong of the "hurts" of the day, etc. 

How many times have I found myself beckoned into this magical place of prayer? Not an urgent, crisis type of prayer blabbing endlessly or begging doubtfully. Nor desperate prayers that boss God around, forgetting who's in charge.

But the kind of prayer where there's less of you and more of Him.

What a loving conversation!

I wanna repeat that. 

What a loving conversation!

Yet it's so easy to get sidetracked by day-to-day events and forget about this mystical place. Amazing though that time and time again, even how busy life can get, I'm led to this place.

As if there's some invisible guide that attracts me into a dark, empty conference room.
Or invisible hands that nudge me gently into an empty bathroom.
Or some insomnia that doesn't let me sleep in the privacy of my bedroom. 
Or the flashing of street lights against my closed eyes as the taxi wheels its way to my office.

But my favorite part is when God simply tickles my heart, reminding me of His awesomeness through the Bible, the service, etc. that the words, "Oh gosh, Lord, You're so great!" are softly gasped (even in public) before I can even stop myself.

As writer, Joan Ball, puts it, "...I found myself praying. There was no big epiphany. No grand enlightenment. Just a gift of a quiet moment at the beckoning of the Holy Spirit....I was enveloped in a penetrating sense of calm, leaving me with nothing but an ovewhlming sense that everything is gonna be ok."

And oh, I'm telling you, you can never find a place here on earth where you're loved the most than in prayer!

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