Something wonderful, so so wonderful happened!

Ever felt like something wonderful happened, so wonderful, you're wondering why everyone else didn't stop from doing their day-to-day routines? That's what I felt kanina. 

Today, I took one step of faith.  Oh, don't be bored. Read on. The story was so shameful, so terrible, so appalling, so revolting. (Like that won't get your attention, hehe.)  But don't forget, in Christ, all stories are victorious!

I finally spoke to pastor Dennis today about that story in the past which most of my soul sisters know. Instead of my heart pounding to relive the past, the terrible past, it was my head pounding... clearly the enemy does not like God's plans, plans to free me. So as usual the enemy gave its 100% to sabotage this day. First, the confusion on the time to meet. Second, my headache.

But the Holy Spirit was upon us. Pastor Dennis and I were able to make the meeting and everything we discussed went straight to my heart. 

So much for introduction hehe. I just woke up lang kasi today at 5pm. The lyrics I posted below was singing in my head as I opened my eyes a few minutes ago (I posted the video on my wall). I just can't contain the excitement so I wanna tell you guys na kagad. 

Kanina as I talked with pastor, while my head was pounding, my heart was jumping naman from one emotion to another: humbled, confident, I cried, I laughed, I was afraid (as Pastor made me realize the gravity of that past), then I was unafraid (as Pastor reminded me of God's word that in Christ Jesus there's no condemnation), I am happy, I am inspired, I am forgiven, I AM FREE!!!

Ohmygosh. Three biggies in this time of my life: one SUPER BIGGIE down! My heart is so so so shouting, "my God absolutely deserves to be praised!!!"

I can't wait for God as He brings one plan after another into completion. 
I can't can't can't can't can't contain these praises for God in my heart!!!

I am so excited to share it with you guys!!! 

The complete story though is too good for a facebook note. God is so glorified in this story that I don't want to use a simple facebook note. So I am going to meet you all and tell it to you personally. 

When I woke up kanina, this lyrics was ringing in my head, out of nowhere it was ringing in my head:

Through You the battle's won
Through You I'm not afraid
Through You the price is paid
Through You there's victory
Because of you my heart sings I AM FREE YES I AM FREE

I am free to run
I am free to dance
I am free to LIVE FOR YOU

See you guys soon! I'll see you all to tell you the story. 

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