Quiet Time

No work last night so after I got the day-to-day stuff squared away, I found another perfect spot where I can do my favorite me-time activity: quiet time.

Been freewriting on my notepad for an hour now but I couldn't piece them together. Heart is overflowing with praises and thanks. Bible verses (which I see as mental love post-its like those a sweetheart leaves all over your house to assure you of his love) have been flashing in my head. I couldn't get my thoughts straight.

I look at the trees around me, I see YOU.
I feel the hot afternoon breeze, I feel YOU.
I look back from where 2010 began, I recall all YOUR kindness and love.
I peek at 2011, I am excited about what YOU'RE planning for me.

I am always, always choked and overwhelmed with YOUR love for me and my little heart couldn't contain these praises and worship.

Ohmigosh! I don't wanna stop bragging about this great God whose love is so great that to even begin to think about it...already puts tears in my eyes. 

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