Ask God what you deserve...

...and be blown away with what you have instead.

Several days ago, I prayed and set aside a small amount of money for a Coffee Bean time with Jen especially after our recent fight.  God responded instead by giving us a chance to finish One2One at Wensha Spa yesterday.

While waiting for our masseuse, Jen and I were musing about how we tend to take for granted little treats like this from God. The trivial the treats, the more we exclude God.

The mindset then was God is way, way too prestigious to be thanked for trivial treats. You can thank Him for salvation, restoration and all the heavy words in the bible. But for a free haircut, front row tickets, gift cert for a 1 hour body scrub, Donsol vacation or an offered window seat on your first airplane ride?

It's just too weird to associate a GOOD GOD in these little treats.

But most people would think that it was a GOOD LUCK.

Je: You know what would make you grateful to God for a trivial treat such as those I mentioned?

Jenny: What?

Je: Just remember how sinful you are and how you don't deserve anything but punishment and death.

After all, you wouldn't think that a man on a death row would deserve a spa right?

You and I are no more different than a man on a death row and yet, God, oh so good and great that He "...richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment." (1 Tim6:17)

Grace is so attractive. The more you know about it, the more you fall in love with the Inventor of Grace.

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