Brigs getaway

BRIGS is a group of friends from my past job 5 years ago.  We got that name from a private joke ü
We hardly see one another but amazingly the connection is still there, strongly there.
On this get-together we're celebrating two birthdays, a promotion and
an all-expense paid trip to Paris
and most of all, we're celebrating our God, who's been generous with us even though we do not deserve it.  

bed n bfast

happy day!

me and mocha

Brigs with jho

mocha and ega enjoying jacuzzi

in the middle of wilderness a group of girls can be heard laughing boisterously

Ega, Raquel, Enna, Mocha


These friends of mine are oh so worth treasuring!

some of the pics of the place we stayed in

love you brigs

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