A letter to Sheloi, my new friend. My broken, new friend.

Hi, Sheloi.

Thank you for your message.

I want to make a point, Sheloi. But first I want to show you some pictures. I am so excited about these sculptures that I want to share it with you! Come, see!

Beautiful, aren't they? There are more in the website of its sculptor: http://www.kylochua.asia/

Check out that site when you have time. That guy sure have a way with clay. He's such an awesome sculptor!


"Pathetic and broken hearted ex girlfriend, ugly and a loser"

Those are the words you used to describe yourself in your message to me.  Sure, maybe other people would agree with your chosen adjectives. They would look at you and feel "awa."  Or they would shake their heads at you.  But when you walked down the street to Coffeebean where jhapi and I were waiting for you, when you poured out all the tears and hurts in your heart, I couldn't find the pathetic and broken-hearted ugly and a loser ex-girlfriend. I just couldn't find it. 

What I saw in you instead is this:

A lump of clay.

A lump of clay who feels lied to, used and then thrown away. A lump of clay trampled by the thief whose aim is to steal the life in you.  You are being victimized right now as I type this.  Yes, there's that kind of thief. That thief is not a fiction. It's real.

You don't believe me? God said it Himself. Look,

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy."
- John 10:10

I believe the devil is not done with you yet. He's probably still furiously making plans to destroy you. First, to torture you with memories. Then fill you with lies that you were never good enough--that you are replaceable by a prettier girl and that no one will ever pick up that used up rag doll. Anymore. Ever.  Then the devil will fill you with anger and bitterness and hopelessness. Until you will be what the devil plans you to be: 

Stolen from.


And destroyed. 

God said it Himself that that's what the devil intends to do.  But the good news is His word didn't end there. Want to hear the rest of His word in that verse? You probably already know it, but c'mon! I've read it too many times and yet I want to read it over and over again because it tasted so sweet in the soul.  Here it goes,

"...I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of."
John 10:10, The Message

That's Jesus talking!!! 

So take heart, Sheloi.  Sure, the devil was allowed to go this far to hurt you but only because Jesus knows what He's about to do next in your life. 

See, the word 'NEXT'? I highlighted, "bolded" and underlined it. There's too much promise in that word that I couldn't emphasize it enough!

Aren't you excited, Lump Of Clay???

Yes, you are the lump of clay. 

So, Ms. Lump of Clay, I want you to meet this Potter. This Potter who is more involved in your life than anyone else. This Potter who knew you even before He created you. This Potter who loves you more than you can possibly ever understand.  

Soar, sheloi!!! God wants you to soar. He doesn't want you imprisoned and shackled. 

He wants you free!

The devil tried to destroy you but you know what? No matter how the devil tries to destroy you, know this...even better write this truth in your heart: the lump of clay is in the Master's hands. Firmly in the Master's hands.

God sees you right now the way a potter sees a lump of clay. He is filled with numerous thoughts about you and is probably excited right now to mold you again, more beautiful than ever before and then fill you with life.

I hope to see you again in the future, my new friend. Because I, too, am very excited to see what God is about to do in your life! :) 

All the best, Sheloi! 

And oh, remember the pictures of the beautiful sculptures in the beginning of this blog?

I told you, I was trying to make a point. (Wink!)


Imagine God singing this to you. ♥♥♥

Fly by Julianne

♫♪ Oh my if you could only see what I see
see a man full of endless possilibilty...

I wanna see you fly
Don't let anybody else or anything clip your wings
Just soar
Created to be great, you were made for something more...

I want you to be bold
I want you to be strong
and conquer, conquer

If you could only see yourself through My eyes
I see a man who's loved and worth every sacrifice

The promise land is just around the bend
let the wind take your wings and bring you home ♫♪

(Deut 31:6, Eph 2:10)

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