Arms to run to

I am so irritated at the admin people in our place. They increased our homeowner's fee and then reduced their guards. So the most accessible gate will only be open two hours a day. Very, very inconvenient!

I didn't know about this until today. The shuttle service provided by the admin (not free) refused to drop me off at our place. They can only bring me to a corner which is still a street away from our unit which means i will still need to walk. I was complaining about this because 1. it is very hot and the street is not safe, 2. If they had announced this, I would have taken a cab instead of using their (of use but little use) shuttle.

But their men wouldn't budge. They adamantly refused to drop me right at our front.

I felt frustrated and harrassed as I walked the street at 12 noon when the sun is at its fiercest. When I turned to our corner, I was surprised at the strong feeling of relief and joy when I saw my papa and brother standing at our gate. I was like a baby girl complaining and whining to them about those bad men and this bad admin.

Out of this petty encounter, I was reminded of something huge. It's really a joy to run to someone who loves you when the world is against you. To have someone that is for you. To have someone who will eternally protect you.

Every time I encounter moments of feeling loved by the people in my life, there's always this extra heart beat I feel in my heart that is reserved for God.

Not because I am loved this much by these people. But because I am loved this much by these people AND YET no one in all universe ever can love greater, stronger, deeper, wider than God does.

And God does not love as if it's just one portion of His emotions.  My goodness, He IS LOVE! He is!

That's why my joy will always be this: I belong to Him.

"And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully..."
Ephesians 3:18-19

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