Easter breakfast 2012

We never celebrate Easter.  But yesterday I was talking to Van, my small group buddy, about how Christmas is celebrated worldwide because of the holiday and not necessarily because of Christ.  In fact, even atheists celebrate Christmas "just to participate in the season of giving" as one atheist blog says. 

The meaning of Easter, however, is actually the very essence of 
Christianity: Jesus' Resurrection.  

Yes, Jesus died for us but if He stayed dead, then all else is for naught.  So I told Van that when I start my own family I want to make sure that part of our family traditions would be to celebrate Easter with the same effort we celebrate Christmas.

After praying yesterday, so full I was with the joy of Jesus' Resurrection, I decided I couldn't wait any longer. I want to celebrate Easter with my loved-ones!

So I shopped after work yesterday and woke up at 3am this morning to start preparing breakfast for my family.  I want to invest in little activities that acknowledge God like this to build a relationship with my family...believing God that one day He will capture the hearts of my family so much that He is no longer a we-call-only-during-crisis-God.  But He will be acknowledged as the only source of our joy flowing to our lives, our jobs, relationships, etc.  

Oh Lord Jesus to have You as the exceeding joy!

Had fun cooking while singing and dancing along with worship songs.  My heart beats an extra beat whenever the story of  the Cross sinks in from the lyrics of the worship songs

My brother suggested I add choco syrup to my pancakes

This is the very reason why I put in so much effort into making this breakfast.  I want my entire family to gather together...to remember together what Jesus did for us.

Voila! Fruit of labor!


Corn muffins!

Jen and Anna "holding it"

Jen reading a verse from Luke when Jesus appeared to the apostles after His resurrection.

Nate leading the prayer in blessing the food

Papa leading the prayer in praising God and praying for the entire household.

Chow time!

Where, O Death, is your sting?

-1 Corinthians 15:55

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