When you have turned...

I was having daily dose of stuff from desiringgod.org when this single verse stopped me in my mental tracks.

"But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail.  
And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." 
Luke 22:31

I paused long enough to gaze at the beauty of Jesus.  Life is distracting already as it is that's why I cherish these pauses. 

Fresh from my heart, without proofreading or editing, are some of the thoughts below that come to mind as I read and re-read that text.

1. Why, Jesus is the King of the universe! Why He isn't arrogant or sarcastic or power-tripping on Simon? Why doesn't He make sumbat?

2. Jesus is so humble!

3. "...And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." 

Oh those words! So loving! So patient! So forgiving!
Jesus knows Simon will deny Him in just a few hours. But why is He so gentle, so loving? If you read the first part of the text, Jesus says, "Simon, Simon, Satan demanded to have you...."  In the bible, whenever God calls a person by his/her name twice it's always in the context of a loving patience. Sort of like an endearment. 

4. Can't help but relate it to my own life. I'm only 27 years old. There are thousands of sins that I will do starting this very moment up to the day I draw my last breath. Who knows how terrible they may get? 

5. But God knows. He knows what will happen on each day of my life before it happens (Psalm 139:16) But why this so much love? Why be forgiven in advance? Why make the highest value of heavens enter this ugly world? 

6. So it shakes me to the core whenever this thought sinks in:  what kind of God He is.

7.  I look at the Cross and there I find the answer.

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