Spilled milk and Crumbled cookies

You know what one other god that we easily worship? Its name is PLAN. Planning is good. It is wise. God actually advices us that we plan. It is when we box Him with our teeny plans that things start to mess up...beginning with our hearts. 

When we set our hearts on our plan, sometimes it tends to loom large over us obscuring our view of God. We intently follow it with our gaze even down to the ground when it spills or crumbles. The spilled milk and the crumbled cookie aren't just masters in making us cry. They also dash our hopes and make our attitudes rot.

Still, we refused to move on. It was a very good plan after all and every thing has been set. So much has been invested, so much has been sacrificed. We so worship our plans that it's hard to take our eyes off 'em--barely noticing the figure of the bigger One at the backdrop whom we have long stopped looking at the moment our plans became big, the One who's more than able to rebuild what's destroyed. 

Perhaps sometimes that's what happens. God judges the other gods in our hearts. Perhaps that's why He destroys something because it blocks our view of Him. Or perhaps He takes it away to give us an opportunity to experience something way better than our own plans.

I hate to be a prisoner of my own plans. I want to be free! Free to dream, free to plan, free to be frustrated, free to move on, free to be excited for new things over old ones, free to hope for greater things to come.

Wouldn't you love that freedom?

God invites us to cast our anxieties on Him, to commit our plans to Him, to trust that when things go wrong He can work things out for the good of those who love Him.

And I am freed every time I take His Word for it.

"Lord, teach me to find joy in spilled milk and crumbled cookies. May I see them as an opportunity to experience your doting kind of grace that will make me cry out, 'It turned out better than I could imagine!'"

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