"What's on my mind..." as Facebook tempts

I just read this and i loved it. I have forgotten that I slapped my own sister on my birthday. 

I used to hate it when people (MYSELF INCLUDED) post statuses of where they are, what they're doing, what happened to them, etc. I politely read it in my desktop or mobile phone but with a slight upward twitch in my left eyebrow, which can be interpreted in two words only: "who cares?" 

I just think it's purposeless. It doesn't help the world. That's why when I feel the pull of disdain for self-absorbed blogging or facebooking, I filter my audience to the people in my life who I think would care and would only make my posts public if the topic is not about me. Well yeah, still, me hypocrite. 

So when I read my friend's blog above, I remember again that nothing better captures conveniently the exact feelings, reflexes and thoughts on a certain moment than real-time FB posts or tweet. It will not change the world or cheer up another soul.  It won't elicit overwhelmed responses and will be easily forgotten as the reader moves on to the next feed. But if you're like me-- who wants a cheap wedding but is willing to blow a year's salary for a team of reputable videographers and photographers because when I'm 80 years old I don't want to relive that special day in my mind by hugging an expensive wedding dress. Instead, I want to sit in our sala and watch the video filled with both the significant and insignificant moments of our wedding, well-captured by the videographers the way I instructed 80 years ago-- well, if you're that type of person who likes to preserve moments and memories, FB posts and tweets may not be purposeless after all. Before the internet age, I was already doing this through classic notebook diaries. But now it's more alive and more convenient when it's on the net. 

Like what I said in my 'About Me' portion of this blog, I am my biggest blog reader. Seriously, I would read past posts over and over. I have read my entire FB posts since the day I joined in one sitting, twice already. Partly, because I like reading the word play. But that was just a very small part. The biggest reason is it's like watching a movie called your life. And I love reliving memories especially now that I'm in a relationship with God.

The huge ones, life-and-death matters we will always remember off the top of our head. But the little ones, we usually forget.  And sometimes it's these little ones that speak a lot about what's going on in your life. Like realizing there's so much love in my life after I read my sister's post about how I slapped her on my birthday.

1 comment:

raqs said...

Hahaha. I'm glad you liked my post about your bday. It's also nice to know that you "like" facebook and twitter again. :)

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