Sorry cupcake

Edgy because both Jen and I were sleepless and stressed with bills, we spoke to each other in harsh tones and slept on it. 

I didn't see her when I got home from work. She must've stayed out late. When I woke up the next day, I didn't see her again. But I saw these cupcakes on our dining table. 

I love Sonja's

Papa need not tell me that Jen left it for me. I knew right away.  I realized that Jen and I have unconsciously started this habit of leaving cupcakes in the fridge or on the table as a way of saying sorry.

So I sent her the following text message:

"Ancient kings offer rare spices and jewelry.

Natives perform tribal dances.

Governments sign treaty of peace.

Pirates wave white flags.

...but the Liboon sisters leave cupcakes on the dining table as a sign that the war is over.  

Thank you friend. :)"

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