
Huge ship chains.  Have you seen one of those? I wonder what would it sound like if you were to snap those chains as if it were a twig. Of course there's no such sound because no one can snap these giant twigs. 

But I heard that sound. That breaking sound. I did. I heard that sound in the life of the most neurotic girl I have ever known. Me. Through Jesus, God broke some of the chains in my life that have been limiting me. FEAR.

Now the following disorder might strike you as weird but hey we all have that little weird in us. 

1. Plug-o-phobia - fear of magsaksak sa outlet (my parents feared that I would be that abnormal the rest of my life. I once had to invite a neighbor in because I wanted to watch tv but I had to ask the neighbor to plug it for me.)

2. SOCOlogy - abnormal fear of crime (emphasis on the word 'abnormal' bec everybody fears crime...but not as sick as I did)

3. Dashboard confessional - fearing that I will go to hell because in my hour of death there won't be any dashboard confessional with a priest available to listen to me confess my sins.

There are other fears that I'm still waiting for God to shatter completely. For example, my ULTRAMANism which is fear of mountains that pretend to be mountains at night but really is Ultraman looming large before me. 

Or fear of sea where Ultraman might suddenly jump out of the water.  No, really, that's how I feel even at this good age of 27.  I got ultramanistic at Kennon road when I went home from Baguio last New Year and when I watched Poseidon a few days ago. 

Sometimes I'm bigger than my imaginary Ultraman. But often Ultraman is bigger than me. I shrink back in fear. Although I'm not totally healed from this fear, I kinda like it. I like it not because it scares the heck out of me just thinking of how big Ultraman can get but because it makes my God all the more majestic. As big as any fear is I am glad to remember the truth that nothing can get bigger than my God. 

So, what do you do when God doesn't remove your fears? 

Use it to glorify God. 

In the middle of fear remember who your God is and fear will melt into worship. :)

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