U! Can Inspire

It's my second time to join U! Happy Events this year.

This time U! facilitated a popcorn day for kids who have cancer.

I came there planning to bless and encourage a kid. I left blessed and encouraged instead. I met myzobel who cheerfully fight a good fight without any traces of depression or defeat in her. I have yet to visit her. Hopefully soon. 

Meanwhile, here are some of the pics of the event.

                                          There were so many volunteers that the ratio was 4:1.
Myzobel and her volunteer partners

Me and my friend Ega during lunch break

I invited my girl friends, BRIGS, to this event. We're all moved and deeply encouraged.

More than 24 hours awake because I had gy shift the night before

Love 'em cupcakes (got from U! official pics)

Went for a quick frozen yogurt after the event

Wonderful kids playing along with the main cast of Happy Feet!

The small room teeming with volunteers eager to engage!

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