2x + 6a equals, "Tutor, I don't know..." (blush)


Chasing after my 10 year-old dead dream...so hard, I'm scared. It's taking so long, I'm scared. Something might go wrong, I'm scared.  Holding on to Dad above, the only One who's able to give life to the dead (even dead dreams) and calls those things which do not exist (like a college diploma) as though they did.
-(romans 4:17)

My Dad above who has incredible dreams for me (1 Corinth 2:9)


Fear is always related to future events.

"We may never know what the future holds, but at least we know Who holds it."(pastor paolo)

I know that God will not demand for me to be INSTANTLY and PERFECTLY brave at ALL TIMES in going after my dreams. But He will journey with me, instructing me and teaching me in the way I should go. And like a loving Dad that He is, His eyes will be upon me as I go (Psalm 32:8)

So if i get afraid...I will remember WHO is it that's walking with me, WHO is it that never leaves me nor forsakes me and then fear will melt into worship. 


“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all
that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us…”
- Ephesians 3:20

"Dream big because your God is bigger than your biggest dream."
- The Fire House

I can forget all the equations and formulas but I will remember Your promises. I'm going to believe You, Lord. I will move and I will wait. Only through YOU I can do anything. :)

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