Raquel's 30th birthday

I don't really know what's the deal with turning 30. Maybe because I haven't been there. But hey i'll be there in a couple of years. Anyway, I may not understand it but I agree with her about rounding up all your friends in one room.

I hope to do this too one day. Not just my--let's see... 15 small group friends, 4 Brigs, 4 Katips, more or less 7 individual girlfriends I met and kept through the years..so about 30 girlfriends of mine--but also my family (but of course because I'm a family-girl!) and several favorite aunts and cousins of mine in one room.

Yes I will do it one day.  
Not just in my funeral :) but I hope to be able to honor them and thank them all together for everything that they have done for me. 

And to honor God for giving me on earth treasures that moths don't eat and rust doesn't destroy. 

So this is Raquel's 30th birthday.  

God spoiled her and gave her a great night last July 21 with all of her girlfriends. :)

Sunrise Buckets.  

When I told my cousins that I am so in love with Bon Chon, she promised me she'll take me somewhere where Bon Chon will pale in comparison.  

Yep. This is the place.

The place has a beach-y feel.

The plan was to have a little drama about some of us 
not being able to make it since it was a rainy night.  And then we're going to enter together, carrying our cupcake wish for her, say a little speech before we sit down.

She hardly noticed our cupcakes. But she did notice that the people who canceled were there after all. 

We're not able to pull off the cupcake speech because the place is not conducive for little dramas like that...

...but it's ok because she was happy nonetheless.

So this is our cupcake wishes for her. 

Notice the common denominator? :D

Food time!


If you want to gobble up and lick the buffalo wings to the bone, you gotta put on some gloves. 

Singing happy birthday for Raquel

After party we moved to Starbucks to catch up and play a little Guesstures. 
We were very careful not to laugh so loud because this Starbucks outlet was filled with students studying thick books.

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