The nothing pie

Browsing pictures of cakes online for a party I'm organizing
Landed on a website with a picture of a sinfully delectable Red Velvet Cupcake
Filled with intense craving
Remembered Mercato--the night market near my office
Looked at my watch.
Plenty of time.
Hurried to the bathroom and put on clothes in 20 minutes (I average an hour).
Hailed a taxi headed to Mercato.
Mercato was closed.
Felt like God was telling me to fight the craving off.
Because I have been splurging on food this past week
and barely have enough office allowance left to tide me over this cutoff
Ignored it.
Mental note flashing: Find a banoffee pie
Went to Starbucks
Was just around the corner
Sudden strong downpour
and wind blew hard
braved it
and made it safely inside Starbucks
got what I was craving for
took a picture 
to remember how i strongly craved for this
rubbed my hands with mischievous grin
But my oh my
was in for a surprise
one, two, three bites...i was confused. Why was i not enjoying it? 
It's not guilt or something
Heck I didn't feel guilty I was ignoring what I thought was God's message in my heart
And the pie tasted the same as before
but the satisfaction just wasn't... there.
Finished my pie in silence.
Shook my head.
So much effort to appease the craving
only to end up empty
It occurred to me
only one Person is more than able to satisfy my inner hunger
to fulfill me
to complete my needs
but He can wait...I gotta have the pie.
There it landed.
Taking this road of finding satisfaction elsewhere
other than Jesus
will always be a waste of effort, energy and time.
It will always come back empty.

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