"I'm God's girl. One pretty enough, smart enough, and just enough to bring Him delight."

Dream company

Browsing through my facebook today, I came across this:

If you are a friend of mine, you would know that ROHEI is my dream company.  Ever since I heard about it about 4 years ago, it is still my dream company.  

There are three things why ROHEI is my dream company:
1. It is founded and led by a woman who is deeply in love with Jesus
2. The company's core values are biblical
3. The nature of their business is to train and empower people

I did not finish school and ROHEI is based in Singapore--these are the reasons why I could not get in.  I tried to apply for an internship there, but they cater only to Singaporean students--two requirements I immediately failed.

Today, that post above reminded me again of my dream company.  But not to make me feel bitter, but to inspire me and to challenge me that if I am not getting in there, I am bringing my dream company in the current organization that I am part of right now.  

How? The answer is simple but the actual work is going to be hard.  I am going to live out in my current org the core values of this dream company.  See those in yellow below:

By God's grace.

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