"I'm God's girl. One pretty enough, smart enough, and just enough to bring Him delight."

Tere's bday--a surprise after church

I love surprises! But I only love it when I'm the one executing it, mwahahaha!

I love the rush when surprises are almost blown. This day is one of them.  

We all attended church and we invited along two of Tee's close colleagues.  But the almost mishap happened when we bumped into each other at the EN building because Tee is not supposed to see her colleagues.  We faked a busy Sunday face and wished her a happy birthday and said goodbye.  Afterwards, Rhonz led her to the agreed spot and we ambushed Tee there. Funny day!

Happy birthday, Tee!!

Saw from Neil's car Rhonz and clueless Tee on our way to the agreed "spot" 


speechless, sweetie? haha

a little something for Tee

Brother's Burger

Frozen Yogurt at Hobbes & Landes

Love this human!

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